Tagged With: Fitzpatrick
Bartolomeo Sturni & Amelia Thorp
BART STURNI and AMELIA THORP BARTOLOMEO (BART) STURNIThe name Sturni is a dialect form of the Swiss word Storni whose literal meaning is “starlings.” Bartolomeo (Bart) Sturni arrived in Western Australia in 1858 aboard the ship Winefred.” He was one of the many hundreds of Swiss people who came to Australia around this time, many … Continue reading
“In Neptune’s Wake” by Ken Morton
Whilst written primarily as a family history for his children, Ken Morton’s book “In Neptune’s Wake” records the story of one of Waanyarra’s pioneering families, the Mortons, and their associated families. The family, established by Irish convict Michael Morton in the early 1850’s lived at Waanyarra … Continue reading