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Tagged With: Douthat

The Cogswell Family – From Wiltshire to Waanyarra

Researched by Lynne Douthat and first published in her book “The Footsteps Echo” The Cogswells originated from Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England. The family has been researched back over many centuries and has branches in New Zealand, the U. S.A. and one or two in Australia. The Cogswells who came to Waanyarra began further back than shown … Continue reading »

Categories: Families of Waanyarra | Tags: , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Impressions of the ‘Old Place’—Douthats—Waanyarra

By Sally Gourley (nee Douthat) daughter of Bohwen & Sarah Ann (nee Thorp) “Dad never talked much about his family, so we never knew much about our grandparents. But Granny Thorp, Mum’s mother, used to tell us about the ‘Spanish Lady’ (our Grandmother Douthat) who once lived on the round shaped piece of land over … Continue reading »

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Alver Douthat

Born 1904. From a letter written in 1985 “I was four years old when my father, Robert Douthat died of cancer. We were burnt out at Nuggetty Flat in about 1910 and went to Melbourne. I was about 6 or 7 years old. My brother Bert and our uncle Dick (Dad’s brother) and I went … Continue reading »

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Harry Edward Douthat

Son of Robert and Margaret (nee Wilshusen) from a letter written in 1987 “I was born in Hargreaves Street, Golden Square, but left there when I was two years old. My father’s name was Robert Douthat and my mother was Margaret Wilshusen of Nuggetty Flat. My father worked on the steam engines around Tarnagulla. After … Continue reading »

Categories: Families of Waanyarra | Tags: , , | 3 Comments

Elsie Vera Douthat (Henderson/Sinclair)

From letters written in 1985 to Milly Miles and Lynne Douthat (Elsie) Vera, born 1.11.1900, died Corryong, 1986 “I was born at Nuggetty Flat in 1900. My father’s name was Robert Douthat, he married Margaret Wilshusen. The Wilshusens lived near us at Nuggetty Flat. They were a very large family. My grandfather Hinerich Wilshusen had … Continue reading »

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Robert Henry and Margaret Wilshusen Issue Robert Henry and Margaret Wilshusen Issue:

Isabel died in infancy Elsie Vera married Henderson then Sinclair Robert Henry not married Lesley no information Alver not married Harold Edward married? James married?

Categories: Families of Waanyarra | Tags: , , | 1 Comment

William Emanuel James Douthat

Son of William & Mary Ellen (nee Cassidy) “We left Waanyarra when I was only young and came to live at Koondrook but often I would travel back to Waanyarra with Dad’s brother, Uncle Manuel in his gig. The gig was a beautiful contraption with red wheels. His horse was a lovely bay mare. She … Continue reading »

Categories: Families of Waanyarra | Tags: , , , , | 1 Comment

Grandfather Bohwen Douthat at Waanyarra

By Grandson Max Douthat “I don’t remember a time when the name ‘Waanyarra’ was not mentioned regularly in our house in Melbourne. Many holidays were spent at Waanyarra with my grandfather (Poppa) on his farm. It was an epic voyage to Waanyarra in the family’s 1934 Plymouth tourer, taking around three hours without a stop … Continue reading »

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Richard Douthat (Son of Dick) Recalls

“The strongest memories I have of my grandfather, Bohwen Douthat at Waanyarra are of going fishing in his flat bottomed, corrugated iron boat. We fished at Anchor’s Bridge mostly, and always, we got fish. We caught red fin and measured our catches in bags full. We lived at Bohwen’s for a while in the 1950’s … Continue reading »

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Dick Douthat looks back

Eldest child of Bohwen & Sarah (nee Thorp) “We as kids never thought to ask about our family, but by the way the garden was set out around our place at Waanyarra, I think our ancestors must have known about growing things. There was an elaborate system for watering the many varieties of fruit trees … Continue reading »

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