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Tagged With: Bofill

John Pallot 1857-1935

John Pallot was born on 26th September, 1857 at Dunolly, Victoria. He was the oldest surviving child of Pierre and Sophia Pallot although Sophia had a living son from a previous union with Peter le Messurier in 1851. (see separate entry) His Early Life John must have obtained a reasonable elementary education and several xamples … Continue reading »

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The Cogswell Family – From Wiltshire to Waanyarra

Researched by Lynne Douthat and first published in her book “The Footsteps Echo” The Cogswells originated from Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England. The family has been researched back over many centuries and has branches in New Zealand, the U. S.A. and one or two in Australia. The Cogswells who came to Waanyarra began further back than shown … Continue reading »

Categories: Families of Waanyarra | Tags: , , , , , , | 3 Comments


By Estella Evans (nee Bofill) Born at Waanyarra 1900 My grandparents, Martin and Katrina (nee Dromana) originated in Barcelona, Spain. Katrina worked on the cork plantation owned by Martin’s family. Martin and Katrina were married and went to live in London, where they had begun a cork importing business. By the early 1860’s they migrated to … Continue reading »

Categories: Families of Waanyarra | Tags: , | 9 Comments